Monday 7 September 2015

IT Lists 50 Smartest Companies That Own the Year 2015

IT Lists 50 Smartest Companies That Own the Year 2015

This is an era of technological amelioration and everyone is striving to be the best.
MIT, after probing into 100’s of companies, has compiled a list of 50 smartest companies of 2015. The criteria being simple; the company must be working on a technology that could be truly categorised as innovative with an ambitious and practical business model. The company should have realized its goals of the past 12 months.
Here, take a look at the list yourself (click to enlarge):
top 50 companies
Topping the list is Tesla Motors with its idea of a line of batteries with a big goal: ‘remaking the energy grid for industry, utilities and residencies
Xiaomi takes the second spot with its low priced android sets, mobile apps and other affordable consumer electronics. Xiaomi is also called as Apple of China.
Software and tech giants like Google with its self driving car , Apple with its smart watch, Microsoft with itsHoloLens and various others have also held the positions in the top 50 chart.
Biomedicine companies have had a fairly good year due to their breakthrough research in treating critical diseases, with the Genomic analysis. Pills to cure Hepatitis C and immunity drugs that can save people with skin and lung cancer made sure that the companies that developed them be recognized by everyone.
Do you agree with the list MIT produced or would you like to suggest any other? Let us know in comments below.

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