Tuesday 15 September 2015

Here’s How Facebook Can Get You Fired From Your Job

Here’s How Facebook Can Get You Fired From Your Job

Getting a job itself is a tough task and what if you get fired from it before your first day! And all this because of a ‘stupid’ Facebook post!
A27-year-old single mom Kaitlyn Walls, who complained about her new workplace on Facebook, was sacked from her new job. She was very happy when she found a job a day care that she needed badly. But, before going to the work for the first day, she updated her Facebook status: “I start my new job today, but I absolutely hate working at day care.”
As a reaction to this status update, her Facebook friends and others attacked and insulted her. One of them happened to say that she had the “Bubonic Plague.” Her new boss sniffed the post somehow on the social networking website and the Texas resident was fired before she reached the day care center.
In an interview to CBS local she said: “I actually cried. It really hurt because I wasn’t trying to offend anybody. It really was a big mistake. I don’t hate children. I have my own… I love her.”
Kaitlyn has now promised that she won’t post anything like this ever again on Facebook and apologized for the people who were offended. She said that she’s so sad and feels like a failure looking at her daughter crying as she lost her job because of her own stupidity.
Kaitlyn has our sympathies and we hope that she gets her job back.
What do you think about this step taken by her boss? Tell us in comments below.

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