Wednesday 12 August 2015

Unhackable Version of Windows Built By Israeli Security Company 0

Unhackable Version of Windows Built By Israeli Security Company


Israeli security firm builds a unhackable version of Windows and claims this is the Windows version “Microsoft should be doing”

Due to its vulnerability to hacks and exploits, many of the Windows and Linux users describe Windows as a very unsafe operating system. However, one Israeli security organization is claiming to work towards to change the impression of Microsoft’s software that people have in their mind.
The Isreali security organization, Morphisec is presently working on making a Windows version that’s essentially not possible to hack, thus making it the appropriate operating system for military operations, which includes controlling of airlines and missiles.
Dudu Mimran, the co-founder of the company, in a statement to Business Insider, expressed this new OS version as the Windows that “Microsoft should be doing.” He further went to explain that though this new version OS was actually designed for government use, it can also be used by any company or undertaking who wants to ensure that hack is impossible.
The founder says that since the operating system randomizes all memory, it would not allow the hacker to target the memory of the computer and jeopardize the data stored on the drives, thus, blocking any zero-day attack.
Currently, the operating system is not available to the public. Mimra, who is also the CTO of Deutsche Telekom Innovation Laboratories in Israel and the Chief Security Officer of Cyber Security Research Center at Ben-Gurion University, says that such project has huge potential as the internal testing proved that 100 percent of the attacks could be blocked.
The company has until now raised $1.5 million from Israeli investors considering that developing such an operating system would require such finance to complete the work and make the platform available for use.
It is clearly difficult to predict how well would the product sell, as it is based on a number of factors, such as the price and also how successful it is in blocking various types of attacks; however, it is without any doubt a very promising project that can assist in making Windows more safe.
Until now, Microsoft is not a part of the project. However, if the Israeli startup completes the project, one can expect the technology giant to show keen interest in the technologies utilized to protect it against hacks and exploits.

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