Tuesday 11 August 2015

Kali Linux 2.0 Release Day Scheduled: Kali Sana Coming, Powerful Than Ever

Ever since its debut in the year 2013, Kali Linux users were waiting for a new and revamped version of the hack-friendly OS. Now Kali Linux developers have heard their prayers and announced the next version-Kali Sana.
This popular hacking and penetration testing platform will release Kali Linux 2.0, codenamed Kali Sana, on August 11, 2015. Kali Linux has been a widely successful system developed by Offensive Security through the rewrite of BackTrack, another forensics Linux distribution.
The team working on Kali Linux 2.0 says that the new platform is full of the most powerful features for digital forensics. The next version will be showcased at the DEF CON hacking confab in August.
The team says: “We’ve been awfully quiet lately, which usually means something is brewing below the surface.” Kali Linux 2.0 features a revamped and streamlined user interface, new menus and brand-new testing tools. The developer team refuses to go deep into the details but here are some know details about the platform:
  1. The core set tools in Kali will be weekly updated.
  2. Kali UI is redesigned for a streamlined working environment.
  3. Native support for Ruby 2.0 for faster Metasploit load times.
  4.  Built in screencasting and desktop notifications.
  5. Cutting-edge wireless penetration tools and more.
At Black Hat Vegas 2015, Kali team is organizing free Kali 2.0 Dojo Workshop where they will be showcasing the most advanced features in Kalo 2.0.
Take a look at the teaser video below:

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