Tuesday 4 August 2015

faster network than internet

Researchers Create High Speed Network Faster Than Internet

high-speed-optical-cable-networkShort Bytes : Researchers on the West Coast have created an ultra-fast private fiber-optic cable network that allows the data transfer at 100 gigabits per second.
Stifled by the current data transfer speeds, the researchers on the West Coast have been creating their own network of ultra high-speed fiber optic cables. This high-speed network mesh will connect the regions’ university campuses and other scientific laboratories.
This ingenious project is dubbed as Pacific Research Platform and is funded by National Science Foundation. The fiber optic high-speed network will allow the data transfers of 100 gigabits per second across 10 University of California campuses and in 10 other state universities and research institutions. Just to let you know the enormity of the achievement, Google Fiber allows about 1 Gbps whereas I get about 100 Mbps data transfer speed on my Internet connection. So, I leave the basic math to you.
Necessity is the mother of  inventions, or rather we should say “innovations”, in today’s world. Recently, we saw how a physicist created his ownsupercomputer from old PlayStations to help him study the Black Holes.
You might also see the network speeds of 10Gbps overall capacity in some of the Internet connections out there. Generally, the Internet connections are rated at higher data speeds, but the real transfer rate is merely a fraction of the total capacity.
Recently, President Mr. Barack Obama desired his wish to get the world’s most powerful and the fastest supercomputer for the United States. This supercomputer will be 20 times faster than the current supercomputing king Tianhe-2.
The high speed network will also be of immense help in large scientific research projects and laboratories such as CERN’s Large Hadron Collider to keep and maintain the important data at various locations and retrieve it at the blink of an eye.
This high-speed network of optical cables is not just fast, but also secure. It has a hardware security features that ensure its safety while connected to the Internet and blows any hacking attack.
Don’t want to sound grouchy, but as the world continues to advance and get faster, patience is losing its virtue. And, this novel development will definitely get a thumbs up.

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