Tuesday 9 February 2016

How MaruOS Turns Your Android Phone Into A Linux Desktop Computer

How MaruOS Turns Your Android Phone Into A Linux Desktop Computer

maru os android linuxmaru os android linuxelopers has recently unveiled MaruOS that claims to convert your Android phone into a Linux computer. As soon as you connect an external HDMI monitor to your phone, MaruOS fires a Debian-based OS on the bigger screen. “Your phone runs independently of your desktop so you can take a call and work on your big screen at the same time,” MaruOS writes on its website.
We have seen Microsoft bringing the magic of Continuum with Windows 10 that converts your phone into a PC. Challenging Redmond, its biggest open source competitor Canonical recently launched world’s first tablet running on Ubuntu Linux that transforms to become a PC.
Well, how could Android stay behind in this race to achieve convergence! So, a group of developers has revealed what they call MaruOS, which brings the same functionality to your Android phone with a little twist.
Before telling you more about the OS, let me explain how it’s different from Windows 10 Continuum or Ubuntu’s Convergence. While Windows 10 and Ubuntu need just one OS on the device, MaruOS actually installs two operating systems of the same device.
Still confused? Well, if you install MaruOS on your phone, your phone will be basically running Android 5.1 Lollipop. But, as you connect the phone to an external display, a different Debian GNU/Linux OS starts working on the external HDMI screen.
“Your phone runs independently of your desktop so you can take a call and work on your big screen at the same time,” MaruOS writes on its website.
So, unlike the simple UI switch observed in Windows 10 Continuum or Ubuntu’s Convergence, MaruOS features a complete OS change. As you plug in your external HDMI display, MaruOS presents a complete desktop experience familiar to the GNOME desktop environment.maru os android linux
Instead of using phone’s ‘convertible’ apps, you can take advantage of the Debian software packages. You can perform programming tasks, web development, word processing etc. using MaruOS. As SlashGear rightly points out, the only limit is your phone’s hardware.
Right now, MaruOS is only available for Nexus 5. The OS is still in beta and I’ll be interested in following this project that promises to convert your Android phone into a Linux desktop.
— MaruOS
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