Tuesday 9 February 2016

Hacker Leaks The Personal Information Of 20,000 FBI Agents

Hacker Leaks The Personal Information Of 20,000 FBI Agents

fbi data leak 20000 fbi employees
fbi data leak 20000 fbi employees: An attack by a hacker has just revealed the sensitive information of about 20,000 FBI employees. Besides this personal contact information of the FBI employees, the hacker also claims to have more sensitive data like credit card number and some military emails.
The game, which began last year when a hack at the US Office of Personnel Management exposed the personal information of millions of government employees, has taken a new turn this year. Another hacker has now dumped information of more federal employees. The quantity of the personal information is smaller in size, but the quality of information revealed is more sensitive including names, titles, and contact information of nearly 30,000 FBI and DHS employees.
After the hack, at first, the sensitive information of about the DHS employees was revealed. Now, the information of about 20,000 FBI employees has also been exposed.
20,000 FBI EMPLOYEES NAMES, TITLES, PHONE NUMBERS, EMAILS, COUNTRYhttps://cryptobin.org/78u0h164 
password is lol

“//Long Live Palestine, Long Live Gaza//,” reads a message at the top of the dump, including a hashtag “#FreePalestine.“
The hacker was able to access the files through the compromised email account of a Department of Justice employee. As claimed by the hacker, 200GB of files have been downloaded. The hacker has a total of 1TB of sensitive data available to him. That means the information just leaked is just 20 percent of the total collection.
FBI and DHS info is dropped and that's all we came to do, so now its time to go, bye folks!
Apart from names, titles, email addresses, and phone numbers which have been made public, some more sensitive information have also been exposed including some military emails and credit card numbers.
Currently, FBI employs nearly 35,000 people. If the sensitive information about 20,000 people will be exposed, that would mean that more than half of the agency’s people will be at risk.
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