Sunday 31 January 2016

Shocking? 97% of Apple Watch Users are Satisfied, According to the New Survey

Shocking? 97% of Apple Watch Users are Satisfied, According to the New Survey

apple-watch-satisfaction-surveyApple Watch is one of the most polarizing products I’ve ever seen. While the watch got some rave reviews from the critics, some people questioned the point of buying a costly smartphone accessory. It wasn’t a long time ago when Apple Watch users flooded Twitter with pictures of theirwrists getting burns. Today, in a new survey by Wristly and Tech.pinions, about 97% Apple Watch users have reaffirmed their faith in the watch.
According to the survey, those who have bought the Apple Watch, are the satisfied Apple Watch users. About 97 percent of the respondents were either delighted/very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their decision. These numbers are higher than the initial survey conducted after the Apple’s iPad and iPhone launches.
Well, as ZDNet writes, this high number of satisfied Apple Watch users could be somewhat attributed to the vast user base of people who prefer iOS devices. For those who are already using Apple products, the Apple Watch seems to be a must-have device. For the others, the Watch doesn’t seem much appealing.
Another striking feature of the survey dealt with the tech expertise level of the respondents. The Apple Watch users included in the survey were classified as non-tech users, app builder and tech
According to this Wristly and Tech.pinions survey, the non-tech Apple Watch users had the highest satisfaction level. It says:
While we don’t know exactly how many Apple Watches have been sold what we can measure and use as a barometer to judge the success or failure of Apple Watch is if current owners are happy, satisfied, and delighted. For that we can safely conclude the answer is a resounding yes.
Apple has made a finely crafted product called Apple Watch. Are you satisfied with your new gadget? Tell us in comments below.

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