Friday 3 March 2017


Greetings bloggers

it's been a long time since i posted in blog
today iam going to show you guys that how to stop anyone using your laptop drives without your permission.
many of our friends just want's to copy the details and data in our laptop or your PC 
to do that many of our friends just plug in their pendrives and all other secondary storage devices 
into our system and  the data just like that.

For the persons who have the internet centers and system admins they will find you did tey to copy that.they find that using ubutu operating system which will monitor the computers which we are using at the school or colleges and internet centers

for the students and admins I will upload you a software to disable or enable or  usb drivers his software is created by Intelliadmin
a simple software to disable or enable the usb drivers

this is so simple that just run the application and select enable or disable usb and restart the computer

want to share something in your mind mail me @

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