Tuesday 24 May 2016

your external device doesnt show up the files

dear blog readers  ,,,,
everybody now a days use many eletronic devices like computer ,memory card, pen-drives , external hard disks etc. the major problem while handling these external storage devices are memory loss ,data corrputed ,virus and many more i have given a procedure to regain the data from these external devices so that the lost or hidden files which does not show files when connected in computer but shows up when we  plugged into soime computer or phone....
Try this 1. 

Check whether the files are not in hidden mode. Follow the following steps. 

for a memory card

Step 1
Insert your memory card into a USB memory card reader. Plug the data cable for the USB adapter into a USB port on your computer. Windows automatically recognizes the device and assigns a drive letter to it. Double-click on the drive letter that Windows assigned to the device. If you can access your data, the card is working.
Step 2
Click the Windows orb on your taskbar, if nothing happens or you receive an error message when you double-click the card's drive letter. Type “run” (without the quotes here and in subsequent commands) in the “Search programs and files” text box. Click the "OK" button to open the Run pop-up box. Type “cmd" in the text box and click on the "OK" button to bring up a command prompt box. Type the "chkdsk" command and specify the drive letter to check, followed by "/r." The resulting command will look like this example: chkdsk e: /r. Press "Enter" to execute the command and check the memory card for errors.
Step 3
Wait until the "chkdsk" program finishes checking your memory card for structure corruption. Press the letter “Y” on your keyboard to allow the program to continue checking, until you recognize the files and directories that you have saved on the memory card. When "chkdsk" is finished checking the memory card, you're prompted to save lost chains into files. Click the “Yes” option. In a few moments, "chkdsk" will display all of your lost data files that have been repaired on your computer.
Step 4
Switch to the desktop and double-click on “Computer,” and then click on the drive letter that Windows assigned to the memory card. All of the files that were repaired will be visible, and you'll be able to access them again on the memory card.
Step 5
Remove the memory card from the memory card adapter. Unplug the data cable to the memory card adapter from the USB port on your computer. Insert the memory card into the mobile device that you normally use to access the files on it.

Things Needed

  • USB memory card reader

for a external devices

Step 1: 

Click on the below link and download the file "AutorunExterminator" 


Extract it --> Double-click on "AutorunExterminator" --> Plug your Memory Card now. 

This will remove the autorun.inf files from your Memory Card and also from 

the drives. 

Step 2: 

Click on "Start" -->Run --> type cmd and click on OK. 

Here I assume your Memory Card as G: 

Enter this command. 

attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* 

You can copy the above command --> Right-click in the Command Prompt and 

paste it. 

Note : Replace the letter g with your Memory Card letter. 

Now check for your files in Memory Card. 

Step 3: 

After that, download the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from the below link 


Update it --> Perform "Full Scan" 

Note : Default selected option is "Quick Scan". 

Good Luck.
What happened to their files/folders?
Apparently, there’s some kind of virus that’s found its way to our USB sticks, laptops etc and therefore to our phones. The virus hides the files, and the regular “Show Hidden Folders” Option in Windows would not un-hide these files/folders. (Of course, that’s a regular guy’s explanation)
How to recover the files/folders?
  1. Connect the device in USB mode. (Note the Drive letter of the infected drive)
  2. Go to Start > Run > (Windows Button + R) then type cmd
  3. The MSDOS prompt shows, then type the drive letter you noted earlier, e.g E: and press enter.
  4. The MSDOS should show E:\> by now, So, go ahead and type attrib -S -H /S /D * and press enter
  5. Type exit and VOILA! All your files are back
Please note, the above command will un-hide all your files. Both System files and Hidden files. This is so because;
 The ‘-‘ in the command is used to clear an attribute
 The ‘S’ is the System File attribute
 The ‘H’ is the Hidden File attribute
/S processes files in all directories in the disk
/D process folders in the disk
Therefore, -S would clear all System File attribute and –H would clear all Hidden File attribute (at this stage, you don’t care any longer, because you have your lost but found files already, and you’ve probably closed this page. But I shall go on). /S ensures all your files are processed and /D ensures all your folders are processed.
So. Yeah that’s it.
Thanks for reading. Thanks for saying ‘Nice one mehn!‘. And thanks for saying ‘Hiss, I knew that‘.
PS. This regular guy has a name. But I liked the ring to Regular Guy.
So I’ll remain Regular Guy anytime I’m on this site.
Cheers all

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