Sunday 20 December 2015

It’s Official: Linux is the King of Supercomputing

It’s Official: Linux is the King of Supercomputing

Linux-supercomputerFor the proud Linux users, we have brought yet another joyous news. The list of top 500 fastest supercomputers June 2015 is out, and a majority of these are powered by Linux.
China’s lightning fast Tianhe-2 is still ruling the charts of the top 500 supercomputers of the world with the processing speed of a staggering 33.9 petaflops (- ability to do one quadrillion floating point operations per second). The supercomputer runs on 3,120,000 core processors that include Intel Xeon E5 and Intel Xeon Phi processors. And guess what, it is powered by Linux as does the other 485!
Linux has swept away all the competition and is the favorite operating System even for the blazing fast supercomputers.
The speed of the systems is judged by the LINPACK Benchmark. It reflects the performance of the machines for solving a dense system of linear equations.
However, the positions of the top 5 fastest supercomputers of the world is still the same and there is only one new entrant in the Top 10 list. Shaheen II, a supercomputing Cray Xc40 system installed at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia holds the seventh spot now.
Intel Xeon E5 generation of processors are still ubiquitous in most of the Supercomputers. The company in May 2105, introduced a new series of Xeon E7 processors that promise to be even better than the E5s.
With the new and faster processors in line and the companies trying to build even better and faster computing machines, it seems the reign of Tianhe-2 might soon be over.
The operating system for the next gen supercomputers: Hands Down Linux.
Get 90% off on Linux Learner Bundle now.

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