Friday 6 November 2015

How To Download And View Website Offline

How To Download And View Website Offline

Few times you have to give up on loading multiple website with slow internet connection or having problem with internet, or when the website is loading to slow. Here is a simple way to view  your favourite website when there is no internet connection or problem with your internet connection.

How To Download And View Website Offline On Your Browser

Step1: Download, install and run HTTrack .
Step2: Create a project name and project category to save your website files in it.
Step3: Enter the website URL which you want to view offline on your browser(for example we have entered
Step4: Click Next and wait for the software to scan your website and download it. You can even monitor the download speed and data transfer rate.
Step5: Once you have downloaded the website information you can view it by clicking on Browse Mirrored Website
Note: Their are many features in Set options… such as adding limit to your downloads and downloading using proxy etc. If the website has any new updates you need to scan and download again to get the latest information of that website. 

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