Sunday 11 June 2017

Can You Forward Multiple Emails

Hai all.

now iam going to post how to forward multiple emails or messages in gmail nto another gmail or messaging tab

for this You need a extension which is named as multi-forwarding for Gmail

this is a Extension developed By karan for Google tis enables you to forward  N-number of Mail in one account to another

Friday 19 May 2017


hai guys
sorry for the delay post
there is new type of virus called WANNA CRY which released from north krea according to indians ,but according to the russaians due to the american agency NSA  million of data bytes are stole from them and it id used to create this type of worm.

what is RANSOMWARE ?
according to wikipedia
Ransomware is a type of malicious software that carries out the cryptoviral extortion attack from cryptovirology that blocks access to data until a ransom is paid and displays a message requesting payment to unlock it.

Image result for wannacryHow to get your data back without paying the ransom

There hundreds of types of ransomware out there, but cyber security researchers are working around the clock to break the encryption that at least some of them use. Unfortunately, the most notorious families have proven to be unbreakable so far. In spite of this, there are many other cryptoware strains that are not that well coded and which specialists were able to crack.
To help you find a solution to recover your data without further funding ransomware creators, we put together a sizeable list of ransomware decryption tools which you can use.
We recommend you read about how these tools work beforehand so that you’re sure that this is the best solution for your case.
Do keep in mind that decryptors could become obsolete because of constant updates and new, enhanced versions released by cyber criminals. It’s a never-ending battle, which is why we urge you to focus on prevention and having multiple backups for your data.

the attack with this ransomware is massive and it uses the unsecured a patch file definition in the windows xp 
most of the world level organisation uses windows xp .but the microsoft has officially closed the  update still they pass many organisation to keep their data secured .
for the prevention of the wannacry virus we have to  keep update of the syatem 
windows xp user please update your firewall and keep your antivirus updated 
It also drops a file named !Please Read Me!.txt which contains the text explaining what has happened and how to pay the ransom.

Source: Symantec

WannaCry encrypts files with the following extensions, appending .WCRY to the end of the file name:
  • .lay6
  • .sqlite3
  • .sqlitedb
  • .accdb
  • .java
  • .class
  • .mpeg
  • .djvu
  • .tiff
  • .backup
  • .vmdk
  • .sldm
  • .sldx
  • .potm
  • .potx
  • .ppam
  • .ppsx
  • .ppsm
  • .pptm
  • .xltm
  • .xltx
  • .xlsb
  • .xlsm
  • .dotx
  • .dotm
  • .docm
  • .docb
  • .jpeg
  • .onetoc2
  • .vsdx
  • .pptx
  • .xlsx
  • .docx

The file extensions that the malware is targeting contain certain clusters of formats including:
  1. Commonly used office file extensions (.ppt, .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .sxi).
  2. Less common and nation-specific office formats (.sxw, .odt, .hwp).
  3. Archives, media files (.zip, .rar, .tar, .bz2, .mp4, .mkv)
  4. Emails and email databases (.eml, .msg, .ost, .pst, .edb).
  5. Database files (.sql, .accdb, .mdb, .dbf, .odb, .myd).
  6. Developers' sourcecode and project files (.php, .java, .cpp, .pas, .asm).
  7. Encryption keys and certificates (.key, .pfx, .pem, .p12, .csr, .gpg, .aes).
  8. Graphic designers, artists and photographers files (.vsd, .odg, .raw, .nef, .svg, .psd).
  9. Virtual machine files (.vmx, .vmdk, .vdi).

Indicators of compromise:

Ransomware is writing itself into a random character folder in the 'ProgramData' folder with the file name of "tasksche.exe" or in 'C:\Windows\' folder with the file-name "mssecsvc.exe" and "tasksche.exe".
Ransomware is granting full access to all files by using the command:
Icacls . /grant Everyone:F /T /C /Q
Using a batch script for operations:
hashes for WANNACRY ransomware:
  • use endpoint protection/antivirus solutions to detect these files and remove the same

Network Connections
The malware use TOR hidden services for command and control. The list of .onion domains inside is as following:
  • gx7ekbenv2riucmf.onion
  • 57g7spgrzlojinas.onion
  • Xxlvbrloxvriy2c5.onion
  • 76jdd2ir2embyv47.onion
  • cwwnhwhlz52maqm7.onion
  • sqjolphimrr7jqw6.onion

Note: For update on latest Indicators of Compromises, please see references to security vendors given in references section

Specific Countermeasures to prevent Wannacry/WannaCrypt Ransomware:

Users and administrators are advised to take the following preventive measures to protect their computer networks from ransomware infection/ attacks:
  • In order to prevent infection users and organizations are advised to apply patches to Windows systems as mentioned in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS17-010

  • Microsoft Patch for Unsupported Versions such as Windows XP,Vista,Server 2003, Server 2008 etc.

  • To prevent data loss Users & Organisations are advised to take backup of Critical Data

  • Block SMB ports on Enterprise Edge/perimeter network devices [UDP 137, 138 and TCP 139, 445] or Disable SMBv1.

  • Apply following signatures/rules at IDS/IPS

    alert tcp $HOME_NET 445 -> any any (msg:"ET EXPLOIT Possible ETERNALBLUE MS17-010 Echo Response"; flow:from_server,established; content:"|00 00 00 31 ff|SMB|2b 00 00 00 00 98 07 c0|"; depth:16; fast_pattern; content:"|4a 6c 4a 6d 49 68 43 6c 42 73 72 00|"; distance:0; flowbits:isset,ETPRO.ETERNALBLUE; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:2024218; rev:2;)


    alert smb any any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"ET EXPLOIT Possible ETERNALBLUE MS17-010 Echo Request (set)"; flow:to_server,established; content:"|00 00 00 31 ff|SMB|2b 00 00 00 00 18 07 c0|"; depth:16; fast_pattern; content:"|4a 6c 4a 6d 49 68 43 6c 42 73 72 00|"; distance:0; flowbits:set,ETPRO.ETERNALBLUE; flowbits:noalert; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:2024220; rev:1;)

    alert smb $HOME_NET any -> any any (msg:"ET EXPLOIT Possible ETERNALBLUE MS17-010 Echo Response"; flow:from_server,established; content:"|00 00 00 31 ff|SMB|2b 00 00 00 00 98 07 c0|"; depth:16; fast_pattern; content:"|4a 6c 4a 6d 49 68 43 6c 42 73 72 00|"; distance:0; flowbits:isset,ETPRO.ETERNALBLUE; classtype:trojan-activity; sid:2024218; rev:1;)
  • Yara:
    rule wannacry_1 : ransom
    author = "Joshua Cannell"
    description = "WannaCry Ransomware strings"
    weight = 100
    date = "2017-05-12"

    $s1 = "Ooops, your files have been encrypted!" wide ascii nocase
    $s2 = "Wanna Decryptor" wide ascii nocase
    $s3 = ".wcry" wide ascii nocase
    $s4 = "WANNACRY" wide ascii nocase
    $s5 = "WANACRY!" wide ascii nocase
    $s7 = "icacls . /grant Everyone:F /T /C /Q" wide ascii nocase

    any of them
    rule wannacry_2{
    author = "Harold Ogden"
    description = "WannaCry Ransomware Strings"
    date = "2017-05-12"
    weight = 100
    $string1 = "msg/m_bulgarian.wnry"
    $string2 = "msg/m_chinese (simplified).wnry"
    $string3 = "msg/m_chinese (traditional).wnry"
    $string4 = "msg/m_croatian.wnry"
    $string5 = "msg/m_czech.wnry"
    $string6 = "msg/m_danish.wnry"
    $string7 = "msg/m_dutch.wnry"
    $string8 = "msg/m_english.wnry"
    $string9 = "msg/m_filipino.wnry"
    $string10 = "msg/m_finnish.wnry"
    $string11 = "msg/m_french.wnry"
    $string12 = "msg/m_german.wnry"
    $string13 = "msg/m_greek.wnry"
    $string14 = "msg/m_indonesian.wnry"
    $string15 = "msg/m_italian.wnry"
    $string16 = "msg/m_japanese.wnry"
    $string17 = "msg/m_korean.wnry"
    $string18 = "msg/m_latvian.wnry"
    $string19 = "msg/m_norwegian.wnry"
    $string20 = "msg/m_polish.wnry"
    $string21 = "msg/m_portuguese.wnry"
    $string22 = "msg/m_romanian.wnry"
    $string23 = "msg/m_russian.wnry"
    $string24 = "msg/m_slovak.wnry"
    $string25 = "msg/m_spanish.wnry"
    $string26 = "msg/m_swedish.wnry"
    $string27 = "msg/m_turkish.wnry"
    $string28 = "msg/m_vietnamese.wnry"
    any of ($string*)

Best practices to prevent ransomware attacks:

  • Perform regular backups of all critical information to limit the impact of data or system loss and to help expedite the recovery process. Ideally, this data should be kept on a separate device, and backups should be stored offline.
  • Establish a Sender Policy Framework (SPF),Domain Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC), and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) for your domain, which is an email validation system designed to prevent spam by detecting email spoofing by which most of the ransomware samples successfully reaches the corporate email boxes.
  • Don't open attachments in unsolicited e-mails, even if they come from people in your contact list, and never click on a URL contained in an unsolicited e-mail, even if the link seems benign. In cases of genuine URLs close out the e-mail and go to the organization's website directly through browser
  • Restrict execution of powershell /WSCRIPT in enterprise environment Ensure installation and use of the latest version (currently v5.0) of PowerShell, with enhanced logging enabled. script block logging, and transcription enabled. Send the associated logs to a centralized log repository for monitoring and analysis.
  • Application whitelisting/Strict implementation of Software Restriction Policies (SRP) to block binaries running from %APPDATA%, %PROGRAMDATA% and %TEMP% paths. Ransomware sample drops and executes generally from these locations. Enforce application whitelisting on all endpoint workstations.
  • Deploy web and email filters on the network. Configure these devices to scan for known bad domains, sources, and addresses; block these before receiving and downloading messages. Scan all emails, attachments, and downloads both on the host and at the mail gateway with a reputable antivirus solution.
  • Disable macros in Microsoft Office products. Some Office products allow for the disabling of macros that originate from outside of an organization and can provide a hybrid approach when the organization depends on the legitimate use of macros. For Windows, specific settings can block macros originating from the Internet from running.
  • Configure access controls including file, directory, and network share permissions with least privilege in mind. If a user only needs to read specific files, they should not have write access to those files, directories, or shares.
  • Maintain updated Antivirus software on all systems
  • Consider installing Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit, or similar host-level anti-exploitation tools.
  • Block the attachments of file types, exe|pif|tmp|url|vb|vbe|scr|reg|cer|pst|cmd|com|bat|dll|dat|hlp|hta|js|wsf
  • Regularly check the contents of backup files of databases for any unauthorized encrypted contents of data records or external elements, (backdoors /malicious scripts.)
  • Keep the operating system third party applications (MS office, browsers, browser Plugins) up-to-date with the latest patches.
  • Follow safe practices when browsing the web. Ensure the web browsers are secured enough with appropriate content controls.
  • Network segmentation and segregation into security zones - help protect sensitive information and critical services. Separate administrative network from business processes with physical controls and Virtual Local Area Networks.
  • Disable remote Desktop Connections, employ least-privileged accounts.
  • Ensure integrity of the codes /scripts being used in database, authentication and sensitive systems, Check regularly for the integrity of the information stored in the databases.
  • Restrict users' abilities (permissions) to install and run unwanted software applications.
  • Enable personal firewalls on workstations.
  • Implement strict External Device (USB drive) usage policy.
  • Employ data-at-rest and data-in-transit encryption.
  • Carry out vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) and information security audit of critical networks/systems, especially database servers from CERT-IN empaneled auditors. Repeat audits at regular intervals.
  • Individuals or organizations are not encouraged to pay the ransom, as this does not guarantee files will be released. Report such instances of fraud to CERT-In and Law Enforcement agencies
Generic Prevention Tools:

Tuesday 2 May 2017


Greetings blog readers

Today iam going to post you about backing up the data from your phone.
nowadays every one has their own gadgets  like i pads , iPhone,maybe androids.etc....
But  did you even think of the phone is gone like ka-boom..

the problems in the touch phone are they are so thin and lighter in according to their screen,So this makes the phone exposure to many of our personal problems.

The smart phone may be dead due to the malfunction in the circuitry or due to a some biological or physical matters like water.
the another problem is the display works but the touch does not work.
if this happen the phone is dead.
so how to recover the data...
simple ways

 if your phone works finer like it does on and it it makes the sound if some one calls it is easy to take backup..
step1:  use OTG  cable to connect with mobile
step2:  connect the mouse with the OTG cable
step3: using the mouse you can actually scroll down like a monitor in a computer
Image result for otg cable connected with mobile and mouse
use some software
  1. Connect your device to the PC using a standard USB cable. If your PC is configured to automatically install device drivers and this is the first time you connect the device, Windows will start installing the default device drivers for the device. Allow the device driver installation to finish before going forward. If your PC is configured not to automatically install device drivers, proceed to the next step right away.
  2. Download the USB Mobile Monitor installation package usbmmInst.zipFollow the installation instructions. The screen will flicker during the installation of the drivers which is normal.The installer will ask you to unplug the device and plug-it back again, please do so.
  3. Click on Close to finish the installation. If the Android App is already installed on the device, your PC screen will appear on the device, if not proceed to the device installation step


1 Once you have all the necessary files downloaded, getting everything set up is super easy. Since the iDisplay installation is basically automated on your Android device (just grab it from the Play Store), let’s focus on how to set it up on the computer. I’ll be using a PC for this example, but the process should be similar enough on a Mac.First, double-click the downloaded driver file to start the process. Depending on what version of Windows you’re using, you may or may not see a warning screen—if you get this, go ahead and click “Yes” to allow the program to install.
2 then install the software  as like any other softwares
3 After restarting, the iDisplay driver should automatically start—check the system tray to make sure. If it didn’t start, just hit the Windows key on your keyboard and start typing “iDisplay.” It should show up in the menu, and you can launch it from there.
4  it uses a hybrid connection, so it works with Wi-Fi and/or USB. It’s rad. If you’re in a place where the Wi-Fi is slow (or it’s a public connection), just plug in a USB cable. At home? Wi-Fi should do the job just fine. Between the two, I noticed very little latency on Wi-Fi versus a USB connection, so I feel comfortable recommending both.
5  Once iDisplay has found the computer you want to connect to, go ahead and tap it. If you have multiple computers, you can swipe to cycle through them. A warning will pop up on the PC when it’s trying to establish a connection—if you’re using your personal computer (which I assume that you are), just click “Always allow” so this warning won’t show up again for that particular Android device.
6  adjust your monitor display according to the setup and the size of your need
7  Once you’re finished doing that, disconnecting the display is just as easy as connecting it. First, tap the green action button in the bottom right corner (you have to tap it—this can’t be clicked with the computer’s mouse). 
8  This will open the menu in the left side, where you can select “Disconnect.” Once you tap that, your computer screen will flicker once again as the server disconnects, and everything will go back to normal.

Monday 27 March 2017

backup of your google password as file


did you want to take a backup of all of your password and file from the Google or Mozilla or any other browser
you can follow these methods to back it as a file without the use of any third party softwares
Please make sure that you’re running the latest version of Chrome browser to get Import/Export option.
Step 1: Open Chrome://flags in your Chrome.
Step 2: Find Password Import and Export option, select Enabled from the drop-down box, and then restart the Chrome browser.

Step 2: then relauch the chrome
Step 3: Now, open Chrome://settings/passwords page.
backup and restore Chrome passwords Windows
Step 4: Click on Export button to export/backup saved passwords. Click the Import button to restore previously saved passwords.

Step 5: Enter your Windows account password, when asked.
commects can be posted below this post

Friday 3 March 2017


Greetings bloggers

it's been a long time since i posted in blog
today iam going to show you guys that how to stop anyone using your laptop drives without your permission.
many of our friends just want's to copy the details and data in our laptop or your PC 
to do that many of our friends just plug in their pendrives and all other secondary storage devices 
into our system and  the data just like that.

For the persons who have the internet centers and system admins they will find you did tey to copy that.they find that using ubutu operating system which will monitor the computers which we are using at the school or colleges and internet centers

for the students and admins I will upload you a software to disable or enable or  usb drivers his software is created by Intelliadmin
a simple software to disable or enable the usb drivers

this is so simple that just run the application and select enable or disable usb and restart the computer

want to share something in your mind mail me @

Sunday 20 November 2016

Download videos online via different ways

hello blog readers,
today iam going to show how to download videos while you are watching online 
we can use many ways to download a video from phone .but in computer it is totally different there are different ways to download a video a discription is given for software
Shortcut to download videos via:

Download via web services:

Just need to run a quick download? Try these few web downloaders where all you need to do is put in the video URL.
KeepVid is quite simple to use. Just enter the video URL (video’s page address) and click the Download button. You will then be shown the various formats the video can be downloaded in, along with their download links.
Click on the appropriate link and the video will get downloaded. You can use it for Youtube, DailyMotion, Google Video, Vimeo etc. It also has a KeepVid program you can download for Windows but you need to buy a license to activate its use.
SaveVid is an online downloader which supports downloading videos from many other video websites. The process of downloading is simple: enter the video’s page URL in the input field and press Download button.
Then you’ll see the download options – click on your desired format and download will begin.
ClipNabber is an online tool to download videos. It’s available in various International languages. The process of downloading videos from ClipNabber is same as others: enter the video’s page address in the input field and click the Nab! Button.
You’ll see the various formats the video can be downloaded in. Choose your favorite format and start downloading the video.
Deturl is an online video downloader. Just like KeepVid, you need to paste the video’s page address in the input (URL) field on the website and press a download button. Choose the format you want and start downloading.
You can also make a quick download by putting in front of any URL to download the video of the page. It also has a bookmarklet if you prefer to click rather than type.

Download via browser extensions / Plugins:

There are plenty of browser tools that can help you download your videos fast. There is no reason to switch browsers to use these as we have a downloader for most of the major broswers out there. Helper is an online tool and a browser extension which helps people download videos from various sites. Having this extension installed in your browser, you only need to open the video’s page and click on the extension button (present near top-right of the browser).
It will open a new page with the video’s download links in various formats. It’s available on the Web and for:
(Safari) YouTube5 is a downloader for the Safari browser which changes the default YouTube player, and enhances the video experience by providing some cool features like volume control button, ability to switch resolutions within the player, downloading videos, etc.
You can download the videos by clicking on the required video resolutionshown in the player.
Video DownloadHelper
(Firefox) DownloadHelper is a Firefox addon which allows you to download videos and images from many sites including YouTube, Google Videos, DailyMotion, etc. It can also convert downloaded videos to your preferred format.
When DownloadHelper feels that a site has content that can be downloaded, its icon animates and you can click the icon and choose the appropriate optionfrom the menu.
Easy YouTube Video Downloader
(Firefox) Easy YouTube Video Downloader is another Firefox addon with fewer but necessary features to download YouTube videos. Its icon comes under the YouTube video which shows a menu of available (downloadable) video formats. Choose the one you need and the download will start.
FVD Suite
(Internet Explorer) A YouTube video downloader for Internet Explorer, FVD Suite adds a button to the toolbar of the browser.
Downloading videos become easy: open the video page and click the button. Choose the format and enjoy watching the downloaded video.
Video Download
(Internet Explorer) Video Download, another downloader for Internet Explorer, adds an option straight in the (right-click) context menu.
Downloading videos is just a mere right-click on any video link. Then, all you have to do is choose the option to download that video.

Download from desktop:

Are you a heavy downloader of videos from YouTube or from any other video sites out there? Check out the desktop downloaders that will be able to meet most, if not all, of your video downloading needs.
YTD Video Downloader
(Win) This video downloader is a tool for downloading videos from more than 60 video sites including YouTube. You just need to paste the video’s URL in the input field and choose the download quality (or format) and click the Downloadbutton.
It can even convert the downloaded videos into various video formats. It’s available for Windows.
Fastest YouTube Downloader
(Win, Mac) In need for speed when it comes to downloads? Then, you should give this a shot. This is a YouTube downloader which claims that it can download, for a premium price, 100x faster than normal download speeds.
It can download videos and convert them to MP3 or various video formats of your choice. There is also a professional version and a free version. It’s available for Windows and Mac OS.

Download from mobile devices:

Downloads are no longer only for desktops or laptops. You can also download videos to watch on your tablets and smartphones.
(iOS) TubeBox is a full feature iOS client for YouTube and DailyMotion. If you enjoy watching videos on these two sites, then you’ll become a fan of TubeBox too.
TubeBox lets you download YouTube videos directly into your iPhone or iPad. More over, it supports background playback, HD formats, and offline video playing.
(Android) TubeMate is a YouTube downloader for the Android platform. Using TubeMate, you can easily search and download YouTube videos right on your Android device without the need of a PC. This app is simple and easy to use.
(Android) WonTube can be used to download YouTube videos on your Android phone or tablet. WonTube comes with an in-app browser where you can browse YouTube videos and search videos. To download a video, open the video’s page in WonTube and click the download button.