Thursday, 28 July 2016

How to Hack a Website in Four Easy Steps

How to Hack a Website in Four Easy Steps

Ever wondered how Anonymous and other hacktivists manage to steal the data or crash the servers of websites belonging to some of the world biggest organisations? Thanks to freely available online tools, hacking is no long the preserve of geeks, so we've decided to show you how easy it is to do, in just four easy steps.

How to hack a website
Step 1: Identify your target
While Anonymous and other online hacktivists may choose their targets in order to protest against perceived wrong-doing, for a beginner wanting to get the taste of success with their first hack, the best thing to do is to identify a any website which has a vulnerability.
Recently a hacker posted a list of 5,000 websites online which were vulnerable to attack. How did he/she identify these websites? Well, the key to creating a list of websites which are likely to be more open to attack, is to carry out a search for what is called a Google Dork.
Google Dorking, also known as Google Hacking, enables you find sensitive data or evidence of vulnerabilities by querying a search engine like Google or Bing. It basically allows you to enter a search term into Google and find websites which may have these vulnerabilities somewhere on the site.
Don't worry about needing technical expertise to know what to look for. Kind-hearted hackers have produced lists of these Google Dorks, neatly categorised into the type of vulnerability you are looking for. Looking for files containing passwords? There's got a Dork for that. Login credentials? There's a Dork for that.
How to Hack a Website
For example, if you are looking for files stored on websites containing passwords, then a sample search query we found openly listed on one indexing site was: intitle:"Index of" master.passwd. This returns the results shown in the screengrab above.
So now you have a list of potential victims. Next you need to narrow this down even further.
Step 2: Check for vulnerabilities
Having a huge number of sites which may or may not be vulnerable is not much use unless you can pinpoint one which is actually open to attack. This is when a programme called a vulnerability scanner comes into its own and the most popular is called Acunetix.
Acunetix, developed by a UK-based company, was designed, and is still used, as a tool for web developers to test sites they are building. However the hacking community has commandeered the tool and uses it to identify existing vulnerable sites.
You can download a trial version of the software for free from the official Acunetix website or if you venture into the murky depths of a hacker forum and search for Acunetix, you can find cracked versions of the full application freely available.
How to Hack a Website
Acunetix, as you can see from the screen shots above, is a simple, straight-forward Windows application and all you need to do is enter the URL of the site you want to target, and press Process. Acunetix will scan the entire website, including all pages associated with it, and return a list of vulnerabilities it finds. If you find the type you are looking for, you will need to move onto Step 3, as Acunetix does not perform any website penetration.
Step 3: Attack the website
Attacking a website is done by two main methods. The first is by carrying out a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack which overwhelms a website's servers and forces it to shut down. We will deal with this type of attack later, but first we will look at how you can hack into an account and steal some information contained within databases on the site.
This type of attack is known as a SQL (pronounced sequel) Injection. A SQL Injection attack aims to capture information stored in a database on the particular website by introducing some SQL code. SQL is a programming language designed for managing data in a database.
But fear not, you won't need to understand a single line of SQL to carry out this attack. Thankfully another freely-available and easy-to-use application, originally developed in Iran, can be downloaded from the web saving you the trouble of dealing with any complex code.
How to Hack a Website
The program is called Havij, the Farsi word for carrot, which is also a slang word for penis and so, unsurprisingly, this is the piece of software required to penetrate a website.
Again there are free and paid-for versions of Havij available with the paid-for version having more powerful capabilities. Again the world of hacker forums is your friend here and cracked versions of the full Havij application are available if you look for them.
The Havij interface is once again like any other Windows program and all a virgin hacker needs to do is simply copy-and-paste the address of their target website and press a button.
Havij allows you to perform a number of different types of operation including one called a Get, which unsurprisingly gets all the information stored on databases on that particular site which can be usernames, passwords, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and bank details.
And that's it, within minutes you can search for, download and use a couple of automated tools which will allow you to access websites which are vulnerable to this type of attack. While most high profile companies' websites will be protected from this type of attack, the fact that Sony's website and the personal information of its customers was stolen in a manner similar to this, shows just how vulnerable the web is.
Step 4: If all else fails, DDoS
Hacktivist collective Anonymous changed their tactics in the last 12 months moving away from DDoS as their primary tool for attacking websites, preferring if possible to use SQL Injection instead. However, when this is not possible, they will revert to DDoS attacks, and you can to, with the help of another freely available tool.
And it turns out that DDoSing a website is no more difficult than carrying out a SQL Injection. The programme used is called Low-Orbit Ion Canon (LOIC) which was developed for web designers to stress test websites, but has been high-jacked by hackers in order to attack websites.
Available as a free download from Source Forge, LOIC employs a very user-friendly interface and all potential hackers need to is type in the URL of the site they want to crash and LOIC will do the rest. What the application will do is send up to 200 requests per second to the site in question.
While most bigger sites might be able to deal with this request without crashing, most websites out there will not, especially if you get together with some other hacking virgins and combine your efforts.
So easy is it to use this technology that you can even control it from your BlackBerry, meaning you can be enjoying a pint in the pub with your friends while carrying out a DDoS attack on a website of your choice.

crash a website try these methods

Picture of 5 Cool Batch Files
In This instructable you will get 5 codes for 5 useful batch things

- Password Generator
- Password Protected Command Prompt
- Website Crasher
- Website Pinger
- PC Cleanup Utilities
if you want to crash o r to hack a website try these all the metods sometimes it will work smetimes it does not but this gives us a basic knowledge of ms-dos commands of netwrking

Step 1: Password Generator

Picture of Password Generator

This Batch generates number only passwords. You can choose from 1, 5. or 10 passowrds to show...all random


@echo off
goto Start
title Password Generator
echo I will make you a new password.
echo Please write the password down somewhere in case you forget it.
echo ----------------------------------------­-----------------------
echo 1) 1 Random Password
echo 2) 5 Random Passwords
echo 3) 10 Random Passwords
echo Input your choice
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto A if NOT goto Start2
if %input%==2 goto B if NOT goto Start2
if %input%==3 goto C if NOT goto Start2
echo Your password is %random%
echo Now choose what you want to do.
echo 1) Go back to the beginning
echo 2) Exit
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto Start2 if NOT goto Start 2
if %input%==2 goto Exit if NOT goto Start 2
echo Your 5 passwords are %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%.
echo Now choose what you want to do.
echo 1) Go back to the beginning
echo 2) Exit
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto Start2 if NOT goto Start 2
if %input%==2 goto Exit if NOT goto Start 2
echo Your 10 Passwords are %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%
echo Now choose what you want to do.
echo 1) Go back to the beginning
echo 2) Exit
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto Start2 if NOT goto Start 2
if %input%==2 goto Exit if NOT goto Start 2

Step 2: Website Pinger

Picture of Website Pinger
This Batch Pings a website you want and go to it at school

@echo off
Title Website Pinger
color 0e
echo Enter the website you would like to ping
set input=
set /p input= Enter your Website here:
if %input%==goto A if NOT B
echo Processing Your request
ping localhost>nul
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo If you do not clost this in 45 seconds you will go to **ENTER WEBSITE HERE**
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ping localhost>nul
echo This is the IP=
ping %input%
set input=
set /p input= If you want to open this adress please enter the IP here:
start iexplore.exe %input%
set input2=
set /p input2=
if %input% exit goto exit
ping localhost -n 45 >nul
start iexplore.exe **ENTER WEBSITE HERE**

Where it says "**ENTER WEBSITE HERE** put your website...if you dont have one delete both lines

Step 3: Website Crasher

Picture of Website Crasher

This site is just like the Website pinger but insted of pinging it crashes it with 1000 data non stop

@echo off
Title Website Crasher
color 0e
echo Enter the website you would like to crash
set input=
set /p input= Enter your Website here:
if %input%==goto A if NOT B
echo Processing Your request
ping localhost>nul
echo To end Crashing press CTRL + C
ping localhost>nul
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Now Crashing Website...DO NOT CLOSE THIS BOX!! PRESS CRTL + C TO END!!
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ping %input% -t -l 1000

Step 4: Password Protected Command Prompt

Picture of Password Protected Command Prompt
Custom 2.jpg
This Command Prompt makes a user sign up then sign in to get the command prompt

in the command prompt type "red", "green", or "normal" without quotes and it changes the color

@echo off
title Log in to CMD
color 07
echo Cmd Accounts
echo =============
echo [1] Log In
echo [2] Sign Up
echo [3] Exit
set /p op=
if %op%==1 goto 1
if %op%==2 goto 2
if %op%==3 goto 3
goto error
echo Sign Up
echo ======================================
set /p newname="Enter new username:"
if "%newname%"=="%newname%" goto inputname
cd "%userprofile%\documents"
if exist "cmdacoBin" goto skip
if not exist "cmdacoBin" goto noskip
md "cmdacoBin"
goto skip
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
if exist "%newname%.bat" goto namexist
if not exist "%newname%.bat" goto skip2
echo set realusername=%newname%> "%newname%.bat"
goto next
set /p pswd=Enter new Password:
if "%pswd%"=="%pswd%" goto inputpass
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
echo set password=%pswd%>> "%newname%.bat"
goto next1
echo The entered username already exists.
echo Press any key to return. . .
pause >nul
goto 2
echo Cmd Accounts
echo ============
echo Your account has been successfully created!
goto home
color 07
echo Cmd Accounts Log In
echo ================================
Set /p logname=Username:
if "%logname%"=="%logname%" goto 2.1
set /p logpass="Password:"
if "%logpass%"=="%logpass%" goto login
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
if exist "%logname%.bat" goto call
if not exist "%logname%.bat" goto errorlog
call "%logname%.bat"
if "%password%"=="%logpass%" goto logdone
goto errorlog
color 0c
echo Username or Password incorrect.
echo Access denied.
pause >nul
goto home
echo Command Prompt
echo ==============
echo Successfully logged in!
goto account
cd "%userprofile%\documents\cmdacoBin"
call "%realusername%color.bat"
call "%realusername%.bat"
color %colorcode%
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo %realusername%
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo off
break off
Title Command Prompt
color 0a

echo Type "home" any time to go to the current user profile directory.
echo Type "desktop" any time to go to the current user desktop.
echo Type help to see list of common commands like cd, rd, md, del,
echo ren, replace, copy, xcopy, move, attrib, tree, edit, and cls.
echo Type [command]/? for detailed info.

echo Directory: %CD%
set /P CMD=Command:
if "%CMD%" == "cls" goto cls
if "%CMD%" == "home" goto home2
if "%CMD%" == "desktop" goto desktop
if "%CMD%" == "red" goto red
if "%CMD%" == "green" goto green
if "%CMD%" == "normal" goto normal

cd C:\
goto cmd

goto cmd

goto cmd

cd /d %SystemDrive%\Users\%USERNAME%\Desktop
goto cmd

color 0c
goto cmd

color 0a
goto cmd

color 07
goto cmd

Step 5: PC Cleanup Utility

Picture of PC Cleanup Utility
This Batch is my favorate and it will

-Delete Internet cookies
-Delete Temporary Files
-Defrag Disk
-Cleanup Disk

@echo off
title PC Cleanup Utility

echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo PC Cleanup Utility
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Select a tool
echo =============
echo [1] Delete Internet Cookies
echo [2] Delete Temporary Internet Files
echo [3] Disk Cleanup
echo [4] Disk Defragment
echo [5] Exit
set /p op=Run:
if %op%==1 goto 1
if %op%==2 goto 2
if %op%==3 goto 3
if %op%==4 goto 4
if %op%==5 goto exit
goto error
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Delete Internet Cookies
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Deleting Cookies...
ping localhost -n 3 >nul
del /f /q "%userprofile%\Cookies\*.*"
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Delete Internet Cookies
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Cookies deleted.
echo Press any key to return to the menu. . .
pause >nul
goto menu
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Delete Temporary Internet Files
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Deleting Temporary Files...
ping localhost -n 3 >nul
del /f /q "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*.*"
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Delete Temporary Internet Files
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Temporary Internet Files deleted.
echo Press any key to return to the menu. . .
pause >nul
goto menu
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Disk Cleanup
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Running Disk Cleanup...
ping localhost -n 3 >nul
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\temp"del /f /q "C:WINDOWS\temp\*.*"
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\tmp" del /f /q "C:\WINDOWS\tmp\*.*"
if exist "C:\tmp" del /f /q "C:\tmp\*.*"
if exist "C:\temp" del /f /q "C:\temp\*.*"
if exist "%temp%" del /f /q "%temp%\*.*"
if exist "%tmp%" del /f /q "%tmp%\*.*"
if not exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.*" goto skip
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.zip" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.zip" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.exe" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.exe" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.gif" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.gif" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.jpg" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.jpg" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.png" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.png" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.bmp" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.bmp" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.avi" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.avi" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpg" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpg" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpeg" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mpeg" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ra" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ra" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ram" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.ram"/f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mp3" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mp3" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mov" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.mov" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.qt" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.qt" /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.asf" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users\*.asf" /f /q
if not exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.* goto skippy /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.zip del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.zip /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.exe del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.exe /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.gif del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.gif /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.jpg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.jpg /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.png del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.png /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.bmp del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.bmp /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.avi del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.avi /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mpg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mpg /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mpeg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mpeg /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.ra del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.ra /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.ram del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.ram /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mp3 del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mp3 /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.asf del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.asf /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.qt del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.qt /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp\*.mov del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users\*.mov /f /q
if exist "C:\WINDOWS\ff*.tmp" del C:\WINDOWS\ff*.tmp /f /q
if exist C:\WINDOWS\ShellIconCache del /f /q "C:\WINDOWS\ShellI~1\*.*"
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Disk Cleanup
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Disk Cleanup successful!
goto menu
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Disk Defragment
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Defragmenting hard disks...
ping localhost -n 3 >nul
defrag -c -v
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Disk Defragment
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Disk Defrag successful!
goto menu
echo Command not recognized.
ping localhost -n 4 >nul
goto menu

echo Thanks for using PC Cleanup Utility by Ryan
ping >nul

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

How to change your bored Facebook look into a new one with Facebook Flat Design

Copy your files faster with these programs rather than Windows’ in-built utility

If you want to increase data transfer speeds, look into these faster options for copying your files

Microsoft Windows has its own file transfer utility and if you possess a combination of SSDs and mechanical hard drives in your computer system then you will obviously will be able to notice a huge speed bump. However, what if we told you that there you could copy your files faster through the use of third-party applications? Currently, there are three different programs that you can take advantage of that will help you to copy your files faster:
One reason as to why we are recommending all of these is that according to Softpedia, all of them are capable of using the OS buffer size to reduce task time when performing operations between different hard disks. Coming to TeraCopy; after it has been installed the application gets integrated into the context menu of Windows Explorer.
The same operation is carried out by UItracopier, which takes over the copy and moves operations that are normally performed by Windows Explorer. However, this operation will continue to remain unsuccessful if you use a different file transfer tool, so make sure that you have a single program installed, before you proceed.
FastCopy on the other hand, has less intuitive options than the previous two, and if you are the kind of user who has absolutely no issue in configuring the settings to your liking, then this program is definitely for you. Even after the installation has been completed, it doesn’t automatically get integrated into the context menu. Instead, you can do this by launching FastCopy with Administrator rights and in the next step, go to Option -> Extensions -> Shell Extension.
The download links of all three programs have been stated above so check those out if you’re tired of experiencing low data transfer speeds using the default tool on Microsoft Windows.

How to change your bored Facebook look into a new one with Facebook Flat Design

How to change your bored Facebook look into a new one with Facebook Flat Design


Change your bored Facebook look into a fresh one with this Google Chrome extension

Some of you may have been using Facebook day in day out and maybe bored with the same old drab Facebook look. Mark Zuckerberg and his team may not even be thinking of changing the age-old Facebook look but you can. If you are bored with how Facebook looks, this article will offer you an alternative.
For those who want to change how your Facebook looks on your Google Chrome, You can try out this amazing chrome extension called Facebook Flat.
Facebook Flat not only gives your Facebook a new flat refreshing look but also removes all type of Facebook ads from your timeline. The Facebook Flat extension also comes with a lot of extra features like who viewed your profile which allows you to see who visited your Facebook profile.
Flatbook Screenshot
The Facebook Flat extension is pleasing to eyes because it removes all distractions and gives you a clean look. Download Facebook Flat Extension in your Chrome Browser from Chrome Store.

Amazing Facts About Internet That Will Blow Your Mind

Amazing Facts About Internet That Will Blow Your Mind

Internet is full of surprises. Here are 21 Internet facts that will blow your mind.

  • The first domain name ever registered was on March 15, 1985.
  • -> More than 30,000 Websites are hacked everyday.
  • -> High speed Internet connection was available even on the top of Mount Everest.
  • -> Majority of the traffic on Internet is generated by bots.
  • -> A journalist from U.S. faces 105 years in jail for posting a link on the Internet.
  • -> 15% Of Adults in America do not use Internet.
  • -> The first webcam ever was created in Cambridge to check the status of a coffee pot.
  • -> More than 100,000 new dot COM domain names are registered every day.
  • -> Over 9 million adults in Britain never used the internet.
  • -> 37% of the Web is Porn.
  • -> Psychologists examined the Internet trolls and found out that they are “psychopathic,    narcissistic, and        sadistic”.
  • -> Philippines has the slowest Internet speed in the entire Southeast Asia with 3.54 Mbps as the average speed.
  • -> People send  over 204 Million Emails on Internet every minute.
  • -> China has more internet users on the mobile devices than on the PCs.
  • -> 70% of all the Emails sent are Spam.
  • -> China has treatment camps for Internet.
  • -> The letters “Fi” from “WiFi” does not mean anything. Creators  of Wi-Fi just called it so, because it was rhyming with “HiFi”. source
  • -> By the end of the tear 1993, only 623 websites are there on the World Wide Web.
  • -> 6% of world’s population are Internet addicts.
  • -> The word “LOL” used to mean “lots of love” before the Internet.
  • -> Finland was the first country in the world to make the Internet access a legal right.
  • -> The first ever online transaction ever was, Stanford students buying marijuana from MIT students.

Amazing Facts About Internet That Will Blow Your Mind

Internet is full of surprises. Here are 21 Internet facts that will blow your mind.
  • The first domain name ever registered was on March 15, 1985.
  • -> More than 30,000 Websites are hacked everyday.
  • -> High speed Internet connection was available even on the top of Mount Everest.
  • -> Majority of the traffic on Internet is generated by bots.
  • -> A journalist from U.S. faces 105 years in jail for posting a link on the Internet.
  • -> 15% Of Adults in America do not use Internet.
  • -> The first webcam ever was created in Cambridge to check the status of a coffee pot.
  • -> More than 100,000 new dot COM domain names are registered every day.
  • -> Over 9 million adults in Britain never used the internet.
  • -> 37% of the Web is Porn.
  • -> Psychologists examined the Internet trolls and found out that they are “psychopathic,    narcissistic, and        sadistic”.
  • -> Philippines has the slowest Internet speed in the entire Southeast Asia with 3.54 Mbps as the average speed.
  • -> People send  over 204 Million Emails on Internet every minute.
  • -> China has more internet users on the mobile devices than on the PCs.
  • -> 70% of all the Emails sent are Spam.
  • -> China has treatment camps for Internet.
  • -> The letters “Fi” from “WiFi” does not mean anything. Creators  of Wi-Fi just called it so, because it was rhyming with “HiFi”. source
  • -> By the end of the tear 1993, only 623 websites are there on the World Wide Web.
  • -> 6% of world’s population are Internet addicts.
  • -> The word “LOL” used to mean “lots of love” before the Internet.
  • -> Finland was the first country in the world to make the Internet access a legal right.
  • -> The first ever online transaction ever was, Stanford students buying marijuana from MIT students.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

want to copy files faster in windows

Copy your files faster with these programs rather than Windows’ in-built utility

If you want to increase data transfer speeds, look into these faster options for copying your files

Microsoft Windows has its own file transfer utility and if you possess a combination of SSDs and mechanical hard drives in your computer system then you will obviously will be able to notice a huge speed bump. However, what i  told you that there you could copy your files faster through the use of third-party applications? Currently, there are three different programs that you can take advantage of that will help you to copy your files faster:
One reason as to why we are recommending all of these is that according to  Coming to TeraCopy; after it has been installed the application gets integrated into the context menu of Windows Explorer.
The same operation is carried out by UItracopier, which takes over the copy and moves operations that are normally performed by Windows Explorer. However, this operation will continue to remain unsuccessful if you use a different file transfer tool, so make sure that you have a single program installed, before you proceed.
FastCopy on the other hand, has less intuitive options than the previous two, and if you are the kind of user who has absolutely no issue in configuring the settings to your liking, then this program is definitely for you. Even after the installation has been completed, it doesn’t automatically get integrated into the context menu.

 Instead, you can do this by launching FastCopy with Administrator rights and in the next step, go to Option -> Extensions -> Shell Extension.
The download links of all three programs have been stated above so check those out if you’re tired of experiencing low data transfer speeds using the default tool on Microsoft Windows.